Mission and Vision by BEAUTYFARM

My name is Deibys Siachoque, and I am a passionate aesthetic cosmetologist with more than 25 years of experience in the sector. During these years I have had the privilege of working in both Latin America and Europe, where I have helped many women and men to feel better about their physique and improve their self-esteem thanks to my beauty treatments.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

As a result of my experience and my love for this work, BEAUTYFARM was born, a brand that is constantly expanding in Latin America, the US and Canada, and is already in demand in Europe and Asia.

What distinguishes BEAUTYFARM from the rest of the cosmetic products is the constant effort and dedication that I put into each project, always guided by the wisdom of God and the valuable support of my family: my husband Jorge, a prominent Spanish businessman, my sisters : Dr. Malvís Siachoque and Tania Siachoque cosmetologist, and a team of expert pharmacists and biologists.

Together we have created BEAUTYFARM, a brand that not only offers high quality cosmetic products and sales machines to professionals for their application, but also to the general public for home use, for those who wish to continue with a maintenance treatment between the interval of aesthetic sessions, or simply for those who do not have time to go to an aesthetic medicine center.

In order to clarify which products make up each of our 3 ranges, and coinciding with the Aesthetic Medicine Congress held in Santa Marta on September 6, 7 and 8, 2024, we have presented our three sub-brands for this occasion: Dey- Med and Dey-Advance for the application of collagen biostimulator products for home use, the first, and professional use, the second, and Dey-Tech, which encompasses all types of machinery for the application of aesthetic treatments for both home and professional use, being easily recognizable. the products that make up each range thanks to the icons that you will find throughout this catalog and that we now present to you:

Luxury Skincare Products
Skin Rejuvenation Products
Medical Aesthetic Devices
Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation
”Our obsession with offering you a wide range of facial and body regenerators has positioned us as a global reference brand in the marketing of beauty products, obtained from synthetic biology processes such as: hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, or collagen that act on fibroblasts, biostimulating the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin.”
“Among our entire range of EXOSOMES products, represents a true revolution in the regenerative field cellular, being capable, through its nanovesicles, of release stem cells from tissues acting as ‘messenger vehicles’, which transport molecules bioactive. For all these reasons, EXOSOMES are a perfect complement to treatments biostimulation with active components such as acid hyaluronic and polylactic, since they allow us to make combined therapies, achieving biostimulation and regenerate the skin at the same time”
Medical Grade Skincare

BEAUTYFARM Cosmetology

Advanced biotechnology treatments for skin rejuvenation

One of the most notable advances in biotechnology is synthetic biology and its ability to manipulate skin care ingredients. Thus, hyaluronic acid and collagen, two natural compounds of the skin, are currently obtained through bioengineering, improving their properties, present in line products Home line and Professional line from BEAUTYFARM.
Although we cannot avoid aging, we can slow it down and achieve facial rejuvenation through a series of actions present in the following regenerative treatments:
  • Regenerative treatment by collagen biostimulation,
  • Cell Regenerative Treatment through EXOSOMES,
These are its characteristics:
1.Regenerative Treatment by “Collagen Biostimulation” with rejuvenating effect:
Collagen biostimulators aim to combat the external signs of aging natural skin through 4 main actions:
  1. Moisturizing Action: Hyaluronic acid is a natural skin moisturizer. Your ability to Retaining thousands of times its weight in water gives it the ability to act like a sponge. This capacity makes it a perfect ally to hydrate the skin, protect it and increase the collagen level. It is a powerful smoother of wrinkles and fine lines, leaving the skin smoother and smooth It dissolves naturally and gradually over time, usually between 9 and 12 months.
  2. Nutrient Action: Collagen is a protein that provides elasticity, firmness and resistance to tissues, protects the skin from dehydration as it acts as a barrier against water at the level of the dermis. Transports the necessary nutrients to nourish the dermis, forming a shield against external factors such as the sun, cold and pollution.
  3. Repairing Action: Vitamin C and collagen strengthen the skin repair process and reduces cellular damage caused by UVB rays.
  4. Restorative Action: Polylactic acid is a non-permanent dermal filler, for the wrinkle treatment and restoration of facial volume, improving the firmness and elasticity of the fur.
The biostimulatory process occurs either individually, when the treatment focuses on one of the assets that launch any of the four previous actions, or in combination when produce several actions at the same time. Its purpose is to trigger a biostimulatory process in the production of collagen that acts as a barrier to aging, keeping the skin healthier and contributing to the facial rejuvenation thanks to the following,
Medical Grade Skincare

Rejuvenating Effects:

  • Reduction of wrinkles and expression lines
  • Improved skin firmness and elasticity
  • Lightening of stains
  • Evenness of skin tone
  • Reduction of sagging
  • Improvement of facial contour
  • Deep hydration and
  • revitalización de la piel.
2.EXOSOMES Cellular Regenerative Treatment with rejuvenating effect.
Treatment with EXOSOMES represents “an authentic revolution in aesthetic and dermatological medicine, a qualitative leap that occurs by improving the function of keratinocytes and fibroblasts, favoring the synthesis of collagen and elastin and increasing dermal fat producing the following
FDA Approved Beauty Products

Rejuvenating Effects:

  • Acceleration of scar regeneration.
  • Regulation of inflammation and immune response.
  • Early wound healing.
  • Relief of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Firming of the skin and retreat of sagging.
  • Hydration and improves skin texture,
  • Fading stains
  • Fight against baldness
Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles secreted by most cell types, which are full of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids (non-coding RNA, mRNA, DNA), they can be released by donor cells to subsequently modulate the function of recipient cells.
Collagen Boosting Serum
EXOSOMES are associated with aging-related processes including oxidative stress, inflammation and senescence. The anti-aging characteristics of EXOSOMES have been obtained through in vitro and preclinical studies.
EXOSOMES derived from stem cells that, thanks to their messenger function, can restore physiological function of the skin and regenerate or rejuvenate damaged skin tissue through various mechanisms, such as decreasing expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), favoring increased collagen and elastin production and modulation of intracellular signaling pathways, as well as intercellular communication.
The evidence is promising regarding the therapeutic potential of EXOSOMES against photoaging of the fur.
Local injection of EXOSOMES is a regenerative treatment by which anti-aging molecules are injected into the inner layer of the skin to improve therapeutic effects by overcoming the skin barrier.
Subdermal injection of ADSC has been shown to be effective in reducing the effects of photoaging through of extracellular matrix remodeling and neoelastogenesis.
EXOSOMES stimulate collagen production in photoaged skin and reduce the appearance of pigmentation. Additionally, photoaging is associated with an increased risk of malignant tumors such as melanoma. Therefore, the Treatment of photoaging of the skin is of capital importance in therapy based on EXOSOMES, which is why In addition to being useful in photoaging, it is also useful in the prevention of skin cancer.

BEAUTYFARM Cosmetology

Ranges of advanced biotechnology products for skin rejuvenation.

Luxury Skincare Products
Skin Rejuvenation Products
Through meticulous genetic manipulation, scientists have created versions of hyaluronic acid and collagen that have a greater absorption and hydration capacity. As a result, the products of BEAUTYFARM skin care formulated with these advanced bioengineered ingredients offer greater effectiveness and superior results than traditional products, which you can obtain through our ranges: Dey-Med and Dey-Advanced
High End Skin Care
is the range of products for home use that provides intense regeneration of the skin thanks to the biostimulation of collagen, currently made up of 4 masks and 2 regenerating serums.
  • Rigneretore di Compettezza di BEAUTYFARM is a powerful peeling mask whose effects are they feel immediately. A tingling runs through your face and you can feel the action of your components cleanse and nourish the skin, leaving it smoother and softer, while reducing marks acne, and incorporates a depigmenting action and a tightening effect, which make it essential to cleanse, nourish and rejuvenate the face.
  • SOFT FLASH MASK, is an instant action mask that provides hydration deep, and improves skin elasticity and shine, keeping your skin young.
  • BTX MASK BTX by BEAUTYFARM is a mask with a “Lifting Flash” effect for the care of the skin, which helps soften expression lines and prevent the formation of new ones, thanks to BTX Botulinum Toxin in its non-injectable version, famous for reducing wrinkles by relaxing facial muscles temporarily.
  • Regenerative and biostimulating collagen is an innovative anti-aging mask designed to revitalize and rejuvenate your skin. Enriched with a combination of ingredients biostimulators, this mask works in depth to improve firmness, elasticity and luminosity of your face.
  • Rigeneratore e Biostimolatore del Collagene, is in addition to a mask, an anti-aging serum of BEAUTYFARM that reduces wrinkles and expression lines, increases firmness, improves elasticity, and tones the skin, giving it a smoother and more rejuvenated appearance.
  • BTX+FILLER by BEAUTYFARM is an intense wrinkle filler that redefines the face achieving facial rejuvenation without surgery; an alternative to injected Botox, which It contains low doses of botulinum toxin type A, which is the active ingredient in Botox, so The BTX+ FILLER results are restorative and rejuvenating.
  • MesoRegenerator de BEAUTYFARM es el regenerador facial y corporal, de uso domiciliario, más potente del mercado. Desarrollado a través de biotecnología avanzada, lo hace recomendable también para uso profesional pudiéndose aplicar a través de radiofrecuencia fraccionada, superando sus efectos claramente a los de conseguidos con la mesoterapia tradicional que queda relegada MesoRegenerator de BEAUTYFARM a un segundo plano de forma definitiva.
High End Skin Care
is the range of products for professional use that provides regeneration intense skin care, which will be provided to you by a medical professional aesthetics in regenerative treatments, currently formed by 4 products:
REGENERATOR PLUS, BEAUTYFARM with effects: lifting, rejuvenating and repairing, it is a powerful latest generation facial regenerator, which stimulates the production of collagen in the treated parts, thanks to the benefits provided by polylactic acid, a natural organic acid produced by fermentation of sugars obtained from renewable resources such as sugar cane waste, corn, cassava or cassava starch.
REGENERATOR LONG-LIVE from BEAUTYFARM, is the most powerful facial and body regenerator on the market, thanks to the unique benefits created by the union of polylactic acid, which biostimulates the production of collagen, and hyaluronic acid, a natural moisturizer that increases the volume of the treated parts.
EXOSOMES by BEAUTYFARM, are small vesicles of 30 to 150 nano millimeters that contain acid. ribonucleic RNA complex and proteins, causing cellular regeneration that combats the signs of aging.
La intensidad de los resultados dependerá del tipo y la duración del tratamiento, generalmente compuesto de 4 a 6 sesiones, que se aplican a lo largo de 4 meses. Aunque los resultados se aprecian de forma gradual, por lo general los mejores resultados se obtienen dos meses después del final del tratamiento
Anti-Aging Skincare

BEAUTYFARM Cosmetology

American FDA certification

The FDA is the agency of the United States Government responsible for the regulation of food (both for people and animals), medicines (human veterinary), cosmetics and medical devices (human and animal), products biological and blood derivatives.
The FDA’s supreme mandate is to regulate the multitude of medicinal products in a manner that ensures the safety of American consumers and their effectiveness.
FDA Approved Beauty Products
The FDA budget for approve, label and control medications is about 290 million dollars a year. The “Review Teams” employ around 1900 employees that they evaluate the new medications.
The “Security Team” has with 72 determine employees Yeah a for new medication is unsafe or presents undeclared risks in the product technical sheet, and controls the effects of more than 3000 medicines for sale with recipe on a population of 200 million people.
With an annual budget of $15 million dollars, the FDA requires that each new medication is evaluated through a successive series of 4 clinical trial phases, being the 3rd phase is the most extensive, and in the that tests are carried out on 1000 to 3000 patients.
“All BEAUTYFARM COSMETOLOGY products have the FDA certificate, the most prestigious in the world of food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, this being the best quality guarantee that we can offer for the use of our products both for professional and private use.”
Therefore, it is essential that when purchasing a cosmetic product you check that has FDA certification like BEAUTYFARM products.