Mission and Vision by BEAUTYFARM
As a result of my experience and my love for this work, BEAUTYFARM was born, a brand that is constantly expanding in Latin America, the US and Canada, and is already in demand in Europe and Asia.
What distinguishes BEAUTYFARM from the rest of the cosmetic products is the constant effort and dedication that I put into each project, always guided by the wisdom of God and the valuable support of my family: my husband Jorge, a prominent Spanish businessman, my sisters : Dr. Malvís Siachoque and Tania Siachoque cosmetologist, and a team of expert pharmacists and biologists.
Together we have created BEAUTYFARM, a brand that not only offers high quality cosmetic products and sales machines to professionals for their application, but also to the general public for home use, for those who wish to continue with a maintenance treatment between the interval of aesthetic sessions, or simply for those who do not have time to go to an aesthetic medicine center.
In order to clarify which products make up each of our 3 ranges, and coinciding with the Aesthetic Medicine Congress held in Santa Marta on September 6, 7 and 8, 2024, we have presented our three sub-brands for this occasion: Dey- Med and Dey-Advance for the application of collagen biostimulator products for home use, the first, and professional use, the second, and Dey-Tech, which encompasses all types of machinery for the application of aesthetic treatments for both home and professional use, being easily recognizable. the products that make up each range thanks to the icons that you will find throughout this catalog and that we now present to you:
Rejuvenating Effects:
Rejuvenating Effects:
Beauty Farm Cosmetology is a leading provider of high quality cosmetics, aesthetic equipment, and collagen biostimulators for rejuvenation treatments. With our mission to help people unleash their beauty potential, we continually strive to offer the latest innovations in the beauty industry, and the security of having FDA certification for each of the products.