Beauty Farm Cosmetology Store

Who is it addressed to?

For those who want results visible in the short term without having to go through the operating room like
  • Lifting effect: Lifts the tissues fallen and restore the contour facial.
  • Collagen stimulation: They promote the production of collagen and elastin, improving quality and firmness of the skin.
  • Wrinkle reduction: They attenuate wrinkles and expression lines.
  • Natural results: The result It is a younger, fresher, and natural.
  • Areas to apply: face, cheeks, cheekbones, facial ovals, neck.

How does it work?

minimally procedure invasive. It is done in the office doctor, with local anesthesia. Quick recovery, you can resume normal activity practically immediately.

Side effects

Although it is a safe procedure, some effects may appear mild side effects such as redness, swelling or discomfort in the treated area.

Do not perform in case of pregnancy

Skin Rejuvenation Products
Only for sale to medical centers and aesthetic.


“with lifting effect”

Hilos Tensores Para Mandíbula | Lifting No Quirúrgico Piel

BEAUTYFARM tensioning threads are very fine threads made of a biocompatible material such as PDO, which are inserted under the skin.

What differentiates them are their small spikes that anchor in the dermis, providing a greater tightening effect and a lifting, by lifting sagging tissues and restoring facial contour, reducing wrinkles and expression lines, while stimulates collagen and elastin.

Potential Benefits

  • Lifting effect: Lifts sagging tissues and restores contour facial.
  • Estimulación de colágeno: Promueven la producción de colágeno y
    elastina, mejorando la calidad y firmeza de la piel.
  • Wrinkle reduction: Reduces wrinkles and expression lines.
  • Natural results: The result is a more youthful and fresh, in a very natural way.

Benefits of cannula treatments

  • Natural results: Fillers are distributed more uniform, resulting in a more natural and youthful appearance.
  • Menos tiempo de recuperación: Debido a la menor cantidad de
    trauma en la piel, el tiempo de recuperación es más corto.
  • Mayor satisfacción del paciente: La comodidad y los resultados
    obtenidos con las cánulas suelen ser muy valorados por los pacientes