BEAUTYFARM Collagen Biostimulator is an innovative anti-aging solution designed to revitalize and rejuvenate your skin. Enriched with a combination of biostimulating ingredients, This mask works in depth to improve firmness, elasticity and luminosity of your face.
Regenerative effect that induces rejuvenation. Being a “Collagen Biostimulator” the previous actions act jointly in cell regeneration, activating the production of collagen and elastin, and producing a regenerating effect thanks to its moisturizing, repairing and restoring action that induce skin rejuvenation, achieving results gradually visible,
Beauty Farm Cosmetology is a leading provider of high quality cosmetics, aesthetic equipment, and collagen biostimulators for rejuvenation treatments. With our mission to help people unleash their beauty potential, we continually strive to offer the latest innovations in the beauty industry, and the security of having FDA certification for each of the products.